Oral History Project
A sincere thank-you goes to all the participants in this project who have given so happily of their memories and without whom the project would not exist.
These stories are told by residents of Duns remembering events in their personal history. They are memories of childhood, school days, work and play, and important and trivial events taking place in Duns and the surrounding area. They help to build a picture of the history of Duns and her people which will allow future generations to know more about how we lived.
The recordings capture local accents and speech patterns and occasionally accents from outwith the UK. They have been sorted into categories. If you hover over the information icon you will get a short resume of the interviewee and the contents of the recording. By clicking on the ‘Listen’ arrow you will be able to play the piece.
To contact us with more ideas for interviews we could do or to take part yourself please get in touch by emailing: Lesley Gray